Who is Scarlett Johansson
scarlett johansson leaked pictures
Scarlett Johansson appears to be the latest victim of a nude photo HACKER -- after multiple self-shot naked cell phone pics of the actress appeared on a popular website this morning.
Sources connected with Scarlett tell us ... the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) will be contacted this morning because they believe this is a criminal act.
Sources connected with Scarlett tell us ... the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) will be contacted this morning because they believe this is a criminal act.
see the scarlett pictures
The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) has been involved in several celebrity nude photo hacking situations in the past year -- involving Vanessa Hudgens, Jessica Alba, Paris Hilton and many more. "A source close to Johansson tells TMZ that her camp is contacting the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) to investigate and catch the tech-savvy thieves who broke into her cell and stole several alluring images the 26-year-old actress took of herself sans clothes, and then passed them to websites such as Perez Hilton"
The ‘Lost In Translation’ star may be the latest victim of a phone-hacking ring thought to be responsible for stealing naked photos and videos from at least 50 female celebrities.
Scarlett Johansson called FBI
Scarlett Johansson has reportedly called in the FBI to investigate how nude photos of her were hacked from her phone.
The photos, which the 26-year-old actress appears to have taken of herself, were leaked online this week.
As her phone was allegedly hacked and she is in talks with the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) over the leaked images and her lawyer has threatened legal action against any website featuring the images, we cannot publish them here, BUT, If you feel the urge to take a look, you can check them out here.
Back in March, TMZ reported that a group of hackers stole the nude photos of up to 50 A-list actresses, hacking into their email accounts to take the sensitive shots.
see the scarlett pictures
Hollywood Hot Actress Scarlett Johansson’s phone was hacked! The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) confirmed that they are investigating the alleged hacking of her phone which contained nude photos. Scarlett Johansson naked pictures (NSFW) leaked on Internet this morning, and everyone, not only the FBI, are investigating....
Scarlett Johansson is not denying anything – the pics are really her or not!!!
From The THR:
The release of photos the actress allegedly took of herself may be the work of a hacker group targeting Hollywood.
It looks like Scarlett Johansson may be the latest victim of a hackers group that targets celebrities.
The Avengers actress reportedly contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) to report that her cell phone was hacked and that the private photos were released to the public.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) is aware of the alleged hacking incident and is looking into it,” an FBI official told FoxNews.com.
Two photos made their way onto the internet on Wednesday. One shows the actress rapped in only a towel with an exposed backside. The other is a topless image. Scarlett Johansson’s reps did not immediately respond to THR’s request for comment.
Scarlett Johansson Nude Photos May Be Fake
I just saw the uncensored pic, the "censored" block makes her boobs look smaller.
Back in March, TMZ reported that a group of hackers stole the nude photos of up to 50 A-list actresses, hacking into their email accounts to take the sensitive shots. Vanessa Hudgens, who was one of the most prominent victims of naked piracy, spoke with the FBI about the situation, and word was that the investigators were hot on the trail of the hackers.
Amongst the starlets who allegedly had their pictures compromised was Scarlett Johansson, and early Wednesday, the photos leaked online to a number of sites, including Celebrity
Dirty Laundry. Whether or not the pictures are real remains to be seen (they look less than authentic, to say the least), but TMZ now reports that sources close to the actress confirm that she is dealing with the FBI over the matter.
Scarlett Johansson Fighting Mad Over Leaked Nude Pics
Back in March, Scarlett Johansson's name popped up on a list of celebrities who found themselves the target of hackers that broke into their cell phones and leaked some nude photos and video.
With sultry X-rated pics of the sex symbol surfacing today on various gossip sites, ScarJo's fighting back by reaching out to the feds to find the perpetrators.
WHO really cares about seeing her naked body ? There is so much free porn out there,so why would anyone really care about a couple stupid little pics of this chick.There are WAY more attractive women out there who actually WANT you to see them naked.PLUS,if she don't want her naked azz seen then she shouldn't be taking those type of pics anyhow.
Tuned In or Tone Deaf? Scarlett Johansson Sings Her Best Brigitte Bardot
A source close to Johansson tells TMZ that her camp is contacting the FBI to investigate and catch the tech-savvy thieves who broke into her cell and stole several alluring images the 26-year-old actress took of herself sans clothes, and then passed them to websites such as Perez Hilton and Mediatakeout.com.
A rep for Johansson was unavailable for comment, but FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller tells E! News that the agency is on the case.
"The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) is investigating a person or group responsible for a series of cyber intrusions of high profile figures," Eimiller says. "This would include many devices—could mean a computer, desktop, laptop, iPad, cell phone…intrusions into personal online accounts too."
E! News previously reported that G-men have been hunting for a ring that has been hacking into the phones and email accounts of not only Johansson but also more than 50 other female stars including Ali Larter, Vanessa Hudgens, Miley Cyrus and Jessica Alba.
Scarlett has every right to have nude photos of herself on her phone. It's HER phone. Stealing something off her phone is the same as stealing something out of her home. She's just as entitled to a private life as the rest of us. She was not naked in public when the photos were taken and the public has no right to see them. Shame on any media that published them.Sounds like a publicity stunt to me. What celebrity would take naked pictuers of themselves with their cell phones unless they wanted everyone to see them. 1.Celebrities phones are always being "hacked" into. AND 2.
If you lose your phone it's all out there for anyone to distribute. Why do celebrities care if their naked pictures are out there? Because they didn't get paid. Most of them like showing off their bods but only if there are millions of dollars behind it. She's doing it for the publicity because her career has fallen apart. How stupid would you have to be these days as an actress to keep naked photos on your phone. It's on purpose for attention. Stop wasting taxpayer money and precious FBI resources on your frivolous self-important garbage. If you're stupid enough to store naked photos for real, then you deserve for them to get out.

Back on March 20th of this year, Stupid Rumors reported that up to 50 Hollywood celebrities had been victims of a professional group of hackers. In the article, you can see a blurrier version of Johansson’s mirror photo.
At the time, the group reported that they weren’t in it “for the money” but for the thrill.
At the time, the group reported that they weren’t in it “for the money” but for the thrill.
Fast forward to yesterday, September 14th. Depending on what time stamp code they’re using, either Phun or Reddit posted the photos first. It is unclear how either user procured these photos and Reddit public inquiries led to no answers.
At around 7am EST, Buzzfeed picked up the story (nudity due to a DMCA from Scarlett Johansson’s lawyers) and was quickly followed by gossip sites large and small, blogging platforms and major media outlets.
At around 7am EST, Buzzfeed picked up the story (nudity due to a DMCA from Scarlett Johansson’s lawyers) and was quickly followed by gossip sites large and small, blogging platforms and major media outlets.
As the shots grew more viral, Scarlett Johansson refused to comment on whether the photos were her or not but did contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) over the incident which in and of itself was pretty damning evidence.
Later, the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) confirmed that they “we are investigating a series of computer intrusions targeting high-profile figures,” but would not confirm if Scarlett was part of that investigation.
Later, the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) confirmed that they “we are investigating a series of computer intrusions targeting high-profile figures,” but would not confirm if Scarlett was part of that investigation.
But then we got the best confirmation of all: The following take down notice from Scarlett Johansson’s lawyers. Which makes the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) story all the more believable — where will the story end?
Now that Scarlett Johansson's naked body is no longer exclusive to Ryan Reynolds and Sean Penn's minds, it's been claimed that an investigation has been called, with Laura Eimiller telling TMZ:
"The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) is investigating the person or groups responsible for a series of computer intrusions involving high-profile figures [unnamed] due to the pending nature of our investigation".
Johansson's rep has also made comment, saying:
"The highly personal and private photographs at issue capture our client self-posing in her own home in a state of undress and/or topless. The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) is investigating."
Well, yes, we could've told you that yesterday (if those particular pics hadn't crashed our website).
Meanwhile, it's been claimed that Justin Timberlake could be the next victim after a shirtless photo of the actor was leaked (RUBBISH), and that Mila Kunis might have also been hit. What, doesn't Christina Hendricks have a camera phone and bathroom mirror?
Scarlett Johansson naked: either wonderful photoshop or a very similar lookalike because of the size of boobs.

So, it's safe to say we weren't expecting this this morning. Or ever, come to think of it. As you can imagine we couldn't possibly comment on these pictures of someone who looks very much like Scarlett Johansson naked because we'd be sued to within an inch of our lives. We'll let you make up your own minds... on whether it's a lookalike or a photoshop, of course...

There's also a picture in the gallery that matches the wallpaper in the nudes with an earlier pic Scarlett put up, but everyone has that wallpaper. Everyone. Still, we'll let you decide.
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